We could say, “instead of”, “in place of” or even “rather than” but perhaps sticking with the Latin “In lieu“ gives it a bit more gravitas!
So, “in lieu of flowers the family would be pleased if a donation were made to the XYZ charity” is often used in notices and on the order of service. Then just a link to the donation page, the JustGiving or totalgiving site, even, on occasions, a PayPal reference.
I believe QR codes are being printed on some order of services.
Often when you follow the link you get taken to the “pay now” page with the default “Fiver” in the window. Sometimes the link is broken and you’re into the do it later scenario.
In both cases there’s no opportunity to help the giver with a brief synopsis of the charity, encouraging them to perhaps consider the size of a commensurate amount “in lieu” of a twenty pound floral tribute.
A funeraldirections.com charity webpage gives you the opportunity to help the donor understand the work the charity does with a single quick and easy to read webpage, AND, its FREE.
Once they have appreciated a summary of the charity’s work they can click on the Donate Now button.
The Dreams Come True Children’s Charity have taken a Free web page and we look forward to them helping children achieve their dreams in lieu of flowers!
Its easy to sign up for a FREE webpage, just register and add a listing using the white “add a listing button”
Add a Listing (funeraldirections.com)