Business Description

Looking for someone to manage your wealth, and create a lasting legacy for loved ones? At Aetas Partners we are uniquely placed to give you the help and advice you need, all under one roof.

To successfully navigate life's challenges and significant events, you are likely to need advice and support from a range of different professionals.

Sourcing the right professionals and bringing their advice together can be an overwhelming and often disappointing experience. Without properly co-ordinated support, you and your loved ones could lose out financially and jeopardise your cherished aspirations.

Aetas Partners solves this problem by providing a collaborative approach to lifetime and succession planning. Our unique approach brings together a ‘family office’ style service of trusted professional advisers, who provide advice tailored to your specific needs.

We work closely with you to understand, plan for, and manage your lifetime goals to ensure that the aspirations of you and your loved ones are achieved.

This is what we mean by connecting your wealth and wellbeing. You can get on with your life and live it to the full, safe in the knowledge that your interests and those of your loved ones are being properly taken care of.

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  • July 11, 2024 3:28 pm local time


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Products, Services and Information

Wealth Management
Everyone benefits from having a robust lifetime financial and succession strategy. We believe that the strategy works best when it incorporates and co-ordinates the elements of professional advice most relevant to you, your family and your loved ones

From managing your wealth now, to looking ahead to your or your family’s future, we can help you plan for all of life’s important moments.

Estate Planning
We help individuals and families to protect their wealth and leave a lasting legacy for their beneficiaries.

Our comprehensive service covers key areas such as wills, powers of attorney, gifting and trusts. By ensuring that your legacy is tax efficient, you can significantly increase the amount of money you can leave to your loved ones.

Family Businesses
Business owners face constant challenges and questions. Our business planning services helps to provide you with the critical support you need to steer through uncertainty and maximise your success.

Property is often a major element of your overall investment portfolio and ultimately your estate.  Our team of property specialists provide you with market-leading advice to maximise the tax efficiency and value of your property assets.

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