We would like to now introduce our website and logo for Funeral Directions.
Funeral Directions is an online platform that assists people during a tough time in their life, dealing with a death of a loved one. Since we started in 2008, our mission has always been to provide our customers with the information they need at a time they need it most and ease the pain with step by step guides and process.
There’s a moment in every company’s life where rebranding is the right choice. Funeral Directions has decided that rebranding is the right move for us. Our site and logo have both changed including our web address from www.funeraldirections.co.uk to www.funeraldirections.com.
While we have helped people with the process of death and dealing with the steps that follow. We have had great feedback but have decided that our site, logo and brand was dated. It was not reflective of our brand, the quality of the service we provide to our customers. Our past was conducive to our initial message and vision, but it doesn’t reflect our plans for the future, therefore we have decided to change.
Our new logo, site and the web address will be a great start to refresh our brand and what we are aiming to offer our customers. Funeral Directions and all involved hope you will continue to support us and watch us grow in a brand that you would support and recommend.
Thank you to Onzigo Digital for helping us to recreate our site and be in a position to help as many people as we can, we are so pleased with the new finished site and sure our customers will also agree.