Have you heard, Funeral Directions has rebranded and relaunched!!
Well… Funeral Directions was created in 2008 and launched in 2009, at the time, it was a more simplistic site. There were some basic help and a text based online guide. There was a directory, but it only included your Company name, Address and Phone number. The cost was £5.99 per month and we had a few hundred companies signed up for a bolded listing, as well as many thousands of other listings included too.
With the rebrand we decided to keep the cost, no increase and massive value! £5.99 per month for a fully branded webpage on a site that drive traffic to help with Funeral planning and Estate management. Many people don’t know what to do when someone dies so where do they turn? The internet and trusted sources like Funeral Directions.
Over the years the site full out of touch and was left behind in design and functionality. With that said, the site was still getting high levels of traffic on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. It needed a little something, something to bring it up to date and offer something others just didn’t really have.
Death is a part of all of our lives, I think it was a motivational speaker that said – ‘Death, none of us are getting out alive’. It’s true. Dealing with death or, more specifically, everything related to it. This will only be dealt with a limited number of times in someone’s life and there is a lot to do, we don’t need to tell you that. With some of the events happening over the last few years death has been discussed and considered a lot more. People are realising that they need to consider this. We wanted to ensure Funeral Directions was the best it could be to help.
The rebrand and redesign was long overdue, so in 2022 we decided let’s get this updated and looking good. We have updated everything! From the logo to the website layout, the resource center is easy to use and includes some great information. There is access to bereavement information ans lots of guides and downloads as well as a lot to come! Then there is the directory.
The directory was in place in 2009 but, as mentioned, a lot more basic. It has now been modernised and offers a lot more value. It is a whole webpage set-up to promote your business, products and services. The ability to connect and offer help is also baked in.
Want to know more, check this out:
What is on offer then? Well, the price is still £5.99 per month the same as it was in 2009. We believe that the price is amazing value anyway, but as a relaunch offer we have put together so different offers. When we redesigned the site the directory had an overhaul too, but because of data protection (GDPR), changes in legislations and so on – we started again! That meant all the listings were gone.
What does that mean to you? Well, we need to rebuild.
As we need to get businesses back on the platform and signed up, we understand that it will be worrying to get onboard with very little in the way of other listings, no one wants to be the first! At the time of writing this we have a number of businesses and charities signing up but we need more and we want them quickly. How can we help customers if we don’t have the businesses. This is the reason for the offer.
Our monthly price is £5.99pm, the annual cost is £70pa so our launch offer is to give customers over 50% off the first year. The total cost to cover all 12 months is only £35! Even better value, but a small enough cost to try Funeral Directions out.
Our traffic is growing and we are getting thousands of hits every week but we want to have the businesses there to help with a key element of the site.
Follow the link below and use code 35LAUNCH at the checkout for this amazing deal.