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Hello and welcome.

My name is Gill and after working in the health service for over 40 years, I am now a qualified celebrant for all life events.

I feel that the skills I have developed over the years give me the empathy that is required in all situations of life.

I look forward to the opportunity of being able to support you and your loved ones in times of joy and sadness.

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  • July 11, 2024 4:20 pm local time

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A funeral celebrant conducts and guides funeral ceremonies.

I'm a caring funeral celebrant who helps you say your last goodbyes in a special way.

I work with you to learn all about your loved one who has passed away, finding out what made them unique and important to you.

Then, I put together a ceremony that's full of stories, memories, and words of comfort.

During the service, I will lead the ceremony, sharing those stories and helping you remember all the wonderful times you had with your loved one.


My role is to make sure the farewell is just as your loved one would have wanted – meaningful and respectful.

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