It Makes Sense to Talk About This: Remembering Matthew Perry

The passing of Matthew Perry is a poignant reminder that loss affects us not only when we lose loved ones but also when celebrities we’ve grown to know and love pass away. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the connections we forge with the characters and actors that touch our lives. It’s a wake-up call to live our own lives fully, appreciating the moments, and striving to make a positive impact, just as Matthew Perry did.

So, yes, it makes sense to talk about this, to remember Matthew Perry, and to continue the conversation about addiction, recovery, and the impact of celebrities on our lives. Because in the end, we’re all just people on a journey, and it’s the connections we make and the stories we share that truly matter.

You know, it’s a strange thing when we lose a celebrity we’ve never actually met. We’ve seen them on our screens, followed their careers, laughed at their jokes, and even shed tears during their performances. So when news broke of the passing of Matthew Perry, the beloved actor best known for his iconic role as Chandler Bing on “Friends,” it hit home for many of us. But why do we grieve the loss of someone we’ve never met? Perhaps it’s because they’ve been a significant part of our lives, and their stories have interwoven with our own.


Matthew Perry’s death, a tragic result of drowning, has cast a spotlight on his long and well-documented struggle with substance and alcohol abuse. His battle was a journey that resonated with so many who have faced their demons. As we followed his personal challenges, we saw a reflection of our own struggles, albeit on a much grander scale.

But Matthew Perry wasn’t just the poster child for addiction recovery; he became an advocate for those facing similar challenges. His candidness and openness about his journey inspired countless individuals to seek help and strive for a better, healthier life. He reminded us that it’s never too late to change our paths, no matter how difficult the journey might be.

Matthew Perry’s legacy extends far beyond the confines of Central Perk, as he left an indelible mark on both the screen and in real life. While he will, of course, always be remembered for his iconic portrayal of Chandler Bing on “Friends,” his impressive body of work in the world of cinema should not be overlooked. Perry starred in films like “17 Again,” “The Whole Nine Yards,” “Three to Tango,” and one of our personal favourites, “The Triumph: The Ron Clark Story.” These roles showcased his versatility as an actor, proving that he could seamlessly transition from sitcoms to the big screen.

Matthew Perry once said, “When I die, I don’t want ‘Friends’ to be the first thing that’s mentioned. I want that to be the first thing that’s mentioned. And I’m gonna live the rest of my life proving that.” This statement reflects his desire to be recognised for his diverse talents and contributions.

But beyond his acting career, Perry’s heart was deeply invested in helping others. In his memoir, “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing,” he courageously opened up about his struggles with addiction, candidly discussing his battles with painkillers and alcohol. He didn’t just share his story for the sake of transparency but also to provide a beacon of hope for those who were enduring similar struggles. Perry once stated, “I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I’m still working through it personally, but the best thing about me is that if an alcoholic or drug addict comes up to me and says, ‘Will you help me?’ I will always say, ‘Yes, I know how to do that. I will do that for you, even if I can’t always do it for myself! So, I do that, whenever I can. In groups or one on one.”

Matthew Perry went above and beyond in his mission to assist those battling addiction. He founded the Perry House in Malibu, a sober-living facility for men, offering a sanctuary for recovery and healing. Additionally, he penned the play “The End of Longing,” a deeply personal message to the world, portraying an exaggerated version of himself as a struggling alcoholic. Through this work, he aimed to reach those who shared his experiences and the loved ones who supported them.

In his own words, Matthew Perry stated, “When I die, I know people will talk about ‘Friends, Friends, Friends.’ And I’m glad of that, happy I’ve done some solid work as an actor, as well as given people multiple chances to make fun of my struggles on the world wide web… but when I die, as far as my so-called accomplishments go, it would be nice if ‘Friends’ were listed far behind the things I did to try to help other people. I know it won’t happen, but it would be nice.”

Matthew Perry’s life was defined not only by his brilliant acting career but also by his unwavering commitment to support and inspire those battling addiction. His legacy is a reminder that true triumph lies not only in personal achievements but also in the difference we make in the lives of others. As we remember and mourn his loss, we must continue to celebrate his efforts to help people overcome their own struggles and, in doing so, honour his memory in the most meaningful way possible.


It’s undeniable that celebrities become a part of our lives in a unique way. We grow up with them, celebrate their triumphs, and empathize with their trials. They make us laugh, cry, and reflect on our own experiences. The characters they portray become like old friends, and the actors themselves, as we think we know them through interviews and behind-the-scenes moments, take on a certain familiarity.

So, when we lose a celebrity, it feels like we’re saying goodbye to someone we’ve known for a long time. It’s not just the end of their life; it’s the end of a chapter in our own lives as well. We mourn the loss of shared moments, laughter, and emotions. We realize that even the most famous people are not immune to the realities of life and mortality.


When a celebrity like Matthew Perry passes away, it’s a stark reminder that we’re all on the same journey, heading toward the same end. It forces us to confront our own mortality, our own struggles, and our own successes. It sparks conversations about the fragility of life and the importance of taking care of our physical and mental well-being. It prompts us to reflect on the impact we have on the lives of those around us and how we can help others on their journey.


Thank you Matthew for your contribution to the entertainment industry and all the lives you have touched through your art. You will always be the Friend we never met but will always remember.

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