The main way to promote your pages/listings is in your DASHBOARD, you need to be logged in to access this.
View your pages/listings using your DASHBOARD & MY LISTINGS
You can access your listings from your QUICK LINKS MENU and DASHBOARD MENU
2. From within the DASHBOARD select the MY LISTINGS from the menu
3. When in the MY LISTINGS section you will see all your listings, you can select the listing from here and access the back-end to amend. CLICK the PROMOTE selection.
Promote your listing and push it to the top of search results, or add to different places across the site. Give your listing a better chance of being found within search results, locations and more.
EDIT: Edit your listing. Add, Change or Remove different elements to keep it fresh and up to date.
UNPUBLISH: Want to remove your listing but NOT delete it? Use this function. You will still be changed but you can then add another listing instead and link to the package.
STATS: View specific statistics and information about a certain listing.
SWITCH PLANS: Change your plan using this selection.
DUPLICATE: Want to add another listing and use your existing one as a template? Use this selection.
DELETE: Remove your listing from the site completely. Please note: This cannot be undone.